Tuesday, January 25, 2022

8086 Program to add two 8 bit Hexadecimal numbers microprocessor

Hello guys welcome to the blog !!

I have come up with a new code for you today.

We will  see a code in order to add two 8 bit hexadecimal numbers using microprocessor 8086 . The code is attached to below and also do check out other topics like Android , C programming , etc on your blog☺ !!

8086 program to add two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers source code :-

data segment

num1 db 50h

num2 db 30h

sum db ?

data ends

code segment

start :

assume cs:code, ds:data

mov ax,data

mov ds,ax

mov al,num1

mov bl,num2

add al,bl

mov ah,4ch


code ends

end start

Block transfer OVERLAPPING 
Block transfer(Simple Program)
Block Transfer(REVERSE ORDER)
Addition of 8-bit  BCD8086 program
addition of 16-bit bcd program
Division of 32/16 bit program
Subtraction of 8-bit program
Subtraction of 8-bit BCD program
Subtraction of 16-bit program
Subtraction of 16-bit BCD program
String reverse 8086 program
block transfer using string
string concatenation
string length calculation
Block Transfer 
Block reverse
Hex to ASCII program 8086
BCD to ASCII program 8086
ASCII to BCD program 8086



For many other Language Programs of microprocessor 8086, C++ , Data Structures , etc and MSBTE diploma,BCA, MCA and engineering related concepts visit our  BLOG

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