Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Difference between NEAR and FAR procedure 8086 and 8085 microprocessor

Today we will see what is difference between the two types of procedures i.e. near and far procedure. Let's go!!

Difference between  NEAR and FAR procedure.   

Ø Near procedure

1. A near procedure refers to a procedure which is in the same code segment from that of the call instruction
2. It is also called intra-segment procedure
3 A near procedure call replaces the old IP with new IP.
4. The value of old IP is pushed on to the stack. SP=SP-2 
5. Less stack locations are required
6. Procedure is inside Code Segment
7.Uses keyword near
8.Syntax:- CALL near_procedure_name
9. Example :- Call Delay

Ø Far Procedure

1. A far procedure refers to a procedure  which is in the different code segment from that of the call instruction.
2. It is also called inter-segment procedure call
3. A far procedure call replaces the old CS:IP pairs with new CS:IP pairs
4. The value of the old CS:IP pairs are pushed on to the stack SP=SP-2   
5. More stack locations are required
6. Procedure is outside Code Segment
7. Uses keyword FAR
8. Example :- Call FAR PTR Delay
9. Syntax:- CALL far_procedure_name


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