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The transfer of block of data from source to memory location to destination memory location.
We require 2 counters i.e., one counter for decremeting (source to destination) and other for incrementing other counter after transfer of the data. make sure that the counter is equal to data block length.
We use MOV/MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW instruction for block transfer.
data segment
blk1 bd 10 dup (?)
blk2 db 10 dup(?)
data ends
code segment
start : assume cs :code, ds :data
mov ax , data
mov ds ,ax
lea si ,blk1
lea di , blk2
mov cl , 0ah
mov bx , 10h
add di ,bx
up: mov al ,[si]
mov [di] ,al
dec di
inc si
dec cl
jnz up
mov ah ,4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start
For many other Assembly Language Programs related to microprocessor 8086, programs of c++, vb. Net and more visit our BLOG
There are programs of largest ,smallest ,division ,multiplication,odd/even,block operation ,string operations,BCD ,etc
For many other Assembly Language Programs related to microprocessor 8086, programs of c++, vb. Net and more visit our BLOG
There are programs of largest ,smallest ,division ,multiplication,odd/even,block operation ,string operations,BCD ,etc
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