Thursday, January 20, 2022

Java Android Bluetooth Connection Turn ON or OFF with code and Examples

Android Bluetooth Tutorial

MSBTE DIPLOMA SEMESTER 6- Android Development 

Hello !! So today I have come up with a new topic of Android Studio code/program of java android bluetooth example app where we will code for java android bluetooth connection with on/off button facility. We will build an android application to turn on and off the bluetooth  programatically for our android device using own customized android application in java.

Here is a step by step tutorial for Android Bluetooth permission using on/off toggle switch in Java.

I have attached a XML, Java and Manifest file as well. There are many other Android Studio, C++, etc related programs on our blog do read them as well !! (links below)

XML code for Bluetooth on/off:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""





















JAVA code for Bluetooth on/off:

package com.example.myapplication;


import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;

import android.os.Bundle;

import android.widget.CompoundButton;

import android.widget.TextView;

import android.widget.ToggleButton;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    ToggleButton toggleButton;

    TextView textView;


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



// Getting toggle button and textView from activity_main

        toggleButton = (ToggleButton) findViewById(;

        textView = (TextView) findViewById(;

        // Put listener on toggle button

        toggleButton.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {


            public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean checked) {

                if (checked) {

                    textView.setText("Bluetooth is ON");

                    BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();


                } else {

                    textView.setText("Bluetooth is OFF");

                    BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();





        // For initial setting

        if (toggleButton.isChecked()) {

            textView.setText("Bluetooth is ON");

            BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();


        } else {

            textView.setText("Bluetooth is OFF");

            BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();





Manifest file of Bluetooth on/off:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<manifest xmlns:android=""


    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>







        <activity android:name=".MainActivity">


                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />






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