Monday, May 20, 2019

Assembly 8086 program for addition of two 16-bit numbers

In assembly language 8086 we use mnemonics in order to perform arithmetic operations like ADD/ADC in addition.
So, Let's dive deep into what ADD and ADC is ...

ADD:- It adds number from source to destination without carry. Source can be memory location or register or a number but destination should be register or a memory location(not immediate number). Remember that source and destination should be of same type and both shouldn't be memory locations.

Syntax: ADD <destination> <source>
Operation: destination← destination + source

ADC:- It adds number from source to destination with carry i.e , adds carry flag into result of addition. Source can be memory location or register or a number but destination should be register or a memory location(not immediate number). Remember that source and destination should be of same type and both shouldn't be memory locations.

Syntax: ADC <destination> <source>
Operation: destination← destination + source + carry

Which flags get affected?
Ans- OF , CF, PF , AF, SF , ZF .

data segment
no1 dw 21h
no2 dw 31h
ans dw ?
data ends
code segment
start : assume  cs :code,  ds :data
mov ax ,data
mov ds , ax
mov ax , no1
mov bx , no2
ADD ax , bx
mov ans ,ax
mov ah ,4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start


For many other Assembly Language  Programs related to microprocessor 8086 visit our  BLOG 

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