Thursday, November 5, 2020

C++ Program to find ASCII Value of characters in array

For many other Language Programs related to  C++ , Data Structure microprocessor 8086 etc... related to MSBTE, Computer engineering, IT ...visit our  BLOG


using namespace std;
int main()
char str[20];
int n , count=0;
cout<<"enter no of characters present in array"<<endl;
cout<<"enter string of"<<n<<" characters";
cout<<" ascii value of "<<str[count]<<" is "<<int(str[count])<<endl;
return 0;


For many other Language Programs of microprocessor 8086, C++ , Data Structures, etc subjects of msbte , computer engineering visit our  BLOG 

There are programs of Object-Oriented Programing, Operators (logical, arithmethic ,relational,etc) ,exception handeling , inheritance ,string operations ,etc


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