Friday, June 19, 2020

Assembly Program 8086 to convert BCD into HEXADECIMAL number

For many other Assembly Language  Programs related to microprocessor 8086 visit our  BLOG 

data segment
hex db ?
bcd  db 67h
data ends
code segment
start : assume  cs :code,  ds :data
mov ax , data
mov ds ,ax
mov bl , bcd
and bl,0FH
mov AL , bcd

and AL, F0H
mov cl,04h
rol al,cl
mov cl,0Ah
mul cl
add al,bl
mov hex,al
code ends
end start

Hex to ASCII program 8086
BCD to ASCII program 8086
ASCII to BCD program 8086
Block transfer in reverse
Block transfer using STRING instruction


For many other Assembly Language  Programs related to microprocessor 8086 visit our  BLOG 

There are programs of largest ,smallest ,division ,multiplication,odd/even,block operation ,string operations,BCD ,etc

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