Saturday, June 20, 2020

8086 Assembly Language Program to find the Sum of Series of 'N' bytes

For many other Assembly Language  Programs related to microprocessor 8086 , C++ , C, DataStructures visit our  BLOG 

data segment
blk1 db 5dup(?)
res dw ?h
data ends
code segment
strat: asseume code:cs, ds:data
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov cl,0ah
mov al,[si]
up: inc si
add al,[si]
jnc dn
inc ah
dn : dec cl
jnz up
mov res,ax
int 3
code ends
end start

block transfer using string
string compare
sum of SERIES BCD numbers
Block reverse


For many other Assembly Language  Programs related to microprocessor 8086 , C++ , C, DataStructures visit our  BLOG 

There are programs of largest ,smallest ,division ,multiplication,odd/even,block operation ,string operations,BCD ,etc

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